McCaskill staff to hold 'Kitchen Table Talks' in Vernon County
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Members of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill's staff are traveling throughout the state to hear from local residents, and to inform them of the numerous ways her office can be of service to all Missourians.
McCaskill's staff are hosting a series of "Kitchen Table Talks" statewide. The staff are documenting all problems that constituents are facing, as well as any input that residents have on impending legislation. The findings will be reported back directly to Senator McCaskill.
"It's important that I hear what Missourians think about the issues affecting our state," said McCaskill. "Good ideas come from real people, not lobbyists. I want people to know that I am always asking myself 'Is this a good idea for Missouri?' Hearing common-sense feedback from Missourians is the key to helping me answer this question."
In Vernon County, members of McCaskill's staff will be available at the City/County Community Center, 200 N. Ash, Nevada, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Nov. 28
Since her swearing-in in January, McCaskill has opened five offices throughout Missouri. Currently, the Senator has staff in Cape Girardeau, Columbia, Kansas City, Springfield, and St. Louis. The Kitchen Table Talks will serve, in part, to inform area residents of the services that are available to them when they contact one of her regional offices. McCaskill's staff can assist constituents on a range of federal government issues.