Handy Christmas gift ideas for the passionate outdoorsman

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas has a way of sneaking up on many outdoorsmen who are and have been busy doing their thing in December with the duck season going on in the north zone until Christmas and continuing through New Years Day in the middle zone and all the way until Jan. 21 in the south zone. And then the antlerless deer firearm season runs through Sunday and muzzleloaders have just finished their successful season, so gifts for outdoorsmen aren't in the thoughts of many shoppers.

However, now is the time to be thinking about what to get your hunters and anglers and the selection has never been better and wide ranging.

Tom Russell, Independence, was so busy hunting and fishing every chance he had last year that he didn't think about Christmas shopping until it was almost too late. "I nearly got myself in trouble last December by not thinking about shopping, I had to settle for some things I really didn't want in several cases. This year I started last month and now I'm finished," he said.

There are a lot of choices for the outdoorsmen on your list including a big variety of things from the Missouri Conservation Department, their Natural Events Calendar is a good ideal for anyone and there are large variety of books on nature that would please non hunters and fishermen also.

Hunters can always use another duck, goose, crow or other type of call and fishermen never have enough lures. There are enough books on outdoor subjects to fill a library and plenty of "toys" to keep and outdoorsman happy this winter. Christmas has never been easier for outdoor minded people.

More gift suggestions for the people on your list who enjoy getting outside might find just what you need by checking several products from the Coleman Company. They have all kinds of items for campers, anglers, hunters, boaters grillers and backbackers. Some suggestions include a radio cooler, life jacket with a two-way radio, mega tent with light and a hinged door and even toys for your pets, or a bed, sleeping bad and lots of cooking appliances that run on propane.

Jim Simms, Kansas City, has four sons and two daughters who love the outdoors so he finds gifts to fit each one. " There are so many things to pick from today," he said. "I don't have a problem finding things. The problem now is which of the many new gadgets do I buy? I was in a sporting goods store recently and saw all the new gear available plus all the electronic items. I'm glad I started early this year."

Today's Christmas shopper does have a wider selection of gifts for the outdoor minded persons on their list. New hunting and fishing games, better fishing, camping. hunting. boating and backpacking gear is available, so like Simms said, "It may be getting a little late, but with good hunting and fishing still goin on, don't wait too long."

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