Aaron and Ivy Arnett

On June 22, 2007, Ivy Marie Thompson, of Nevada, Mo., and Aaron Michael Arnett, of El Dorado, Kan., were married at The Broadway United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Mo. The reception followed at Lock Lloyd Country Club.
Parents of the couple are Dr. and Mrs. F.L. Thompson, of Nevada, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Arnett, of El Dorado, Kan.
Maid of honor was Lindsey Thompson, sister of the bride.
Best man was Austin Arnett, brother of the groom.
Ivy and Aaron met while Ivy was receiving a Bachelor of General Studies in English, with a minor in Communications and Aaron received his Bachelor of Science in Finance and Accounting and Master of Accounting from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kan.
After a honeymoon in Antigua, the couple is at home in Minneapolis, Minn.