Nevada Red Sox host winter baseball clinic

Friday, January 4, 2008

Area baseball players are invited to take part in a pre-season skills clinic Sunday, January 6th from 1:00 to 7:00 pm in the Nevada Middle School Gymnasium. The clinic instructors will be John Hill, Assistant Coach and Craig Frydendell, the Pitching Coach at Neosho County Community College.

The Red Sox invite area players 14 and older to participate in hitting, pitching, and fielding drills as well as an off-season conditioning clinic.

Registration cost for the Nevada Red Sox Winter Baseball Clinic is only $10.00 per player. The clinic is open to all area players regardless of their interest in playing American Legion baseball next summer.

Players wanting to take part in the January 6th clinic must complete the registration fee below. Completed registration forms with the $10 check payable to the Nevada Red Sox can be taken to Sports Stuff at 200 South Alma in Nevada, mailed to the Red Sox at Post Office Box A, Nevada, Missouri 64772 or brought to the Nevada Middle School Gymnasium on the day of the clinic.

For more information call Nevada Red Sox General Manager Pat Chambers at (417)667-7796 or Red Sox Head Coach Jim Rayburn at (417)684-2659.

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