Web site comments raise controversy

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Reactions posted by users of Nevada Daily Mail's Web site since the news account appeared relating to the death of Matthew Young, Vernon County, who took his own life in the presence of deputies on Friday, Dec. 28, have led the newspaper to discontinue comments relating to the story.

Responses to the story appeared on the Web site almost immediately -- some of them raising questions about events leading up to that day, which the Daily Mail investigated.

Some comments alleged a prior attack against Young and questioned why there had been no action from law enforcement or the courts. Vernon County Sheriff Ron Peckman confirmed that Young had brought information to the sheriff's office about this alleged attack; but in the end, Young chose not to file a complaint or file an official report.

Comments also raised questions about an insurance policy and many possible theories as to the impact of such a policy on the actions of those close to Young and implied that Young's wife may have benefited from his death. Authorities confirmed that an insurance policy existed but did not list Young's wife as a beneficiary; and, according to Peckman, she was aware of this fact. Several comments were removed from the Web site by the Nevada Daily Mail staff, and finally, comments to the story were discontinued.

"We know that this is a terrible tragedy for Mr. Young's family. A month had passed, and comments had continued in a mostly negative tone. We felt it was time to move on and let the healing begin," said Nevada Daily Mail editor Lynn A. Wade.

One of the users who had posted comments was apparently offended by this and decried what he saw as the newspaper staff's quashing of his freedom of speech. The user posted copies of the deleted comments in the comment sections for other stories as well.

Wade said, " We value the opinion and feedback from the community. However, several of these responses directly accused parties and named individuals who they felt were guilty of several crimes. As a newspaper and service to the community, the Daily Mail feels it is inappropriate to allow comments without any factual evidence to support these claims on our Web site. Therefore, certain postings, responses and registered posters were removed from the Web site."

Wade said that those who wish to respond to stories or blogs online are encouraged to do so.

Nevertheless, those choosing to respond must do so without making unsubstantiated claims against others, without using profanity and without using the Web site as a forum for personal attacks.

Those who wish to comment directly to the editor may do so through the Web site, by e-mailing editor@nevadadailymail.com or by calling (417) 667-3344.

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