Council to discuss sewer, street projects
When the Nevada City Council meets tonight they will be holding the second reading of an ordinance accepting Rosetta Construc-tion's bid of $622,839 to slip line the city's west Interceptor sewer line. The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of water that leaks into the sewer line during periods of heavy rainfall.
The council also will consider Resolution No. 1218 approving the streets to be improved this summer with money from the city's 1/2-cent transportation sales tax.
Also on the agendia is consideration of the first and second readings of an emergency ordinance approving an agreement with M-NOD Taxi and Shuttle to provide transportation under the city's taxi coupon program. M-NOD, which was the only company to bid, submitted the low bid of $6 per ride for both taxi service and handicapped van service.
Other items on the agenda include a special ordinance releasing and concluding Neighborhood Improvement District assessments on Lot 12 of Ashland Estates of Stutesman Realty, Inc.; a special ordinance setting the fees for the use of the Frank E. Peters Golf Course; discussion of the DSWA 2006-'07 audit; bids for T-shirts and hats for parks and recreation summer programs; bids for golf course chemicals and the appointment of Dr. Ron Jones to the airport board and Lisa Christy to the planning commission.