Hill blamed by driver in multiple car wreck

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Emergency personell, witnesses and victims gather near the site of a three car accident Tuesday on 54 highway, just east of the Missouri, Kansas state line. Mark McClure, Richards, was headed eastbound on 54 highway, in his gray 2002 Mazda when he was struck in the rear by William R. Boge, Ft. Scott, Kan., in a red Chevrolet 2003 pickup at approximately 2:45 p.m., Tuesday. Boge said he came over the top of the hill and didn't have time to stop before striking McClure's vehicle. "I came over the cusp of the hill and ran into the car ahead of me. I didn't have time to stop," he said.McClure said he had his signal on and was waiting for traffic to proceed into the turn. "I was getting ready to turn into the antique shop here, I had my signal on, and I was rear ended," McClure said. Joshua Pyle, Nevada and Ray Coon, Walker, were witnesses who confirmed the details of the accident. McClure went to Nevada Regional Medical Center where he was treated and released.

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