Vernon County Senior Center requests tax levy from county commission

Friday, May 2, 2008

By Tabatha Goodwin

Nevada Daily Mail

The Vernon County Senior Center is preparing for the future. Earl Ackley, coordinator for the Vernon County Senior Center, requested that the Vernon County Commission include a ballot issue in the August county-wide election to vote for a levy of no more than five cents per each $100 assessed valuation for the purpose of providing services to persons 60 years of age or older.

The tax levy could raise approximately $107,971 for Vernon County senior citizens, based on the 2007 assessed valuation.

If the ballot item passed, the commission would appoint a seven-member board to represent the various groups to be served by the board and to oversee distribution of the funds. The commission would approve final disbursement of the funds.

Care Connection for Aging Services, a private, not-for-profit corporation, operates the Vernon County Senior Center. The center provides services such as exercise, health and wellness, nutrition, and recreational programs, tax preparation, legal services, Medicare and Medicaid information and caregiver services for persons age 60 and older. Many of these programs, such as home-delivered meals, allow seniors to live in their own homes. The center serves 42,330 on-site and home-delivered meals annually.

The tax levy would allow the senior center to continue current services and extend services to senior citizens who do not currently benefit from the center's services and programs. Ackley expects an increase in senior citizens who need services in the near future. "Vernon County has one of the highest percentages of seniors in any county in the state of Missouri," Ackley said. "In the next five years, the demographics are going to change dramatically due to the influx of baby boomers reaching retirement age."

The senior center reported that 20.4 percent of Vernon County is age 60 or older and that 11.8 percent of Vernon County residents age 65 and older live in poverty compared to 9.3 percent statewide.

The senior center is funded 26 percent by contributions for services, 11 percent by fundraising in the community, 18 percent by in-kind donations such as volunteers and 44 percent by matching governmental grants. The center's annual total budget is $216,229. The center estimates the cost of meals and in-home care to be $6,500 annually per senior citizen. The intent for the senior center is to match federal funds with local funds.

Ackley gave a real-life example on how the tax will affect Vernon County citizens. "Five cents on $100 works out to be about $9.50 on a $100,000 home, so we're not talking about a lot of money per individual," he said.

Real estate is assessed at 19 percent of appraised value, so a home appraised at $100,000, is assessed at $19,000. The senior citizen tax of 0.05 cents per $100 would mean 0.05 cents multiplied by $19,000 to show an increase of $9.50.

The tax levy has passed in 45 counties in Missouri, including neighboring Cedar County last year.

The county commission is seeking feedback from the community on the proposed senior citizen tax before placing the item on the ballot.

"We're asking for public input," Bonnie McCord, Presiding commissioner, said. "Before we commit to putting it on the ballot, we want to know what interest is out there."

The commission sees the value in the proposed senior citizen tax.

"From what I have dug into it and the people I've talked to about it, it's a very worthwhile thing and something we need for our aging population," Kennon Shaw, Southern commissioner said.

"I just feel it's something the seniors need," Neal Gerster, Northern commissioner said. "We'll let the people decide."

Vernon County citizens can contact the county commission at (417) 448-2505. The commission meets at 9 a.m., on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Vernon County Courthouse.

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