Sheldon students do well on MAP

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The third and fourth grade students in the Sheldon school district got recognition from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recently when DESE announced the results of the Top Ten highest performing schools Top Ten schools are recognized for the percentage of their students scoring at the proficient and advanced levels for the 2007 Missouri Assessment Program.

The third grade class, taught by Donna Roberts, had 83.3 percent of students scoring in the top two levels of communications arts while the state average was 43.6 percent.

The fourth grade class, taught by Marsha Denton, was included in both areas of testing, communication arts and math. They had 83.3 percent of the students scoring proficient or advanced in communications arts versus the state average of 46 percent. In math the students had 91.7 percent proficient or advanced, the second highest score in the state.

Superintendent Phyllis Sprenkle attributes the dedication of both teachers and students for the success, as well as the Reading First and Everyday Math programs.

"We are so very proud of our student's performance and this recognition of their accomplishments," Sprenkle said. "We want to thank the students and their teachers for their hard work."

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