Rain, flooding continues

Friday, June 13, 2008

Minor flooding is continuing for Vernon County for the Little Osage River near Horton, the Marmaton River near Nevada, and the Osage River near Schell City and is expected to continue through the weekend.

The Little Osage was at 44.7 feet as of 8:45 a.m., Thursday, with a flood stage of 41 feet. Minor flooding is occurring and the forecast shows the river was expected to crest at 44.7 feet with no additional preciptiation. Moderate flooding begins at 45 feet. This warning is in effect until late Friday night or until cancelled.

The Marmaton has minor flooding with the water levels at 25 feet at 8:45 a.m., with the flood stage at 20 feet. The river is forecasted to fall below flood stage by this afternoon. the warning for the Marmaton river is in affect until Saturday afternoon or until cancelled.

The Osage River was at 31.9 feet with a flood stage of 30 feet. The river is expected to crest near 32 feet by Thursday night, with the river falling below flood stage Saturday before Midnight. Moderate flooding can be expected with the expected water level of 32 feet. Moderate flooding will impact low lying areas with several county roads west of Schell City becoming impassable. This warning will remain in effect until Sunday evening or until cancelled.

The National Weather Service also warns drivers that driving into flood waters is dangerous.

"Do not drive through flowing water. Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. As little as six inches of water may cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Two feet of water will carry most vehicles away," the NWS said.

Thunderstorms the NWS expected would produce heavy rainfall across the region overnight and today could increase or extend the threat of flooding. A flash flood warning also in in effect until some time Friday afternoon for several counties in Missouri, including Vernon, Barton, and Cedar counties.

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