VFW leaders bring home top honors

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 2175 recently attended the 88th Department of Missouri Convention in Columbia, Mo.. Chet Tweten, second from left, District 7 Commander for 2007-'08 and a past post commander of No. 2175 received the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Department of Missouri Lifetime Achievement Award for 2007-'08. He has been a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for 62 years. He also was chose as an All-State District commander for 2007-'08. Darlene Tweten, 2007-08 District 7 president, was chosen as Outstanding District President in her group at the 83rd Department of Missouri Ladies Auxiliaries to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, also held in Columbia. Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW No. 2175 received seven first-place awards and three second-place awards as committee chairmen in the following categories: Community service, hospital, veterans and family services, membership and National VFW Home for Children. The monthly newsletter also was awarded a first-place honor for the fifth time. Post Quartermaster Jim Monroe, third from left, standing with his wife Laverne Monroe, far right, was awarded a white cap for an all-state post. Post Commander Lawrence Daniels also was awarded a white cap. --Michael Fields/Daily Mail

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