Ephraim Perez - Stacy Hall
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Eddie and Kathy Hall, Fort Scott, announce the engagement of their daughter, Stacy Hall, to Ephraim Perez, son of Jose and Victoria Perez. The wedding will be July 26, 2008, at 2 p.m., in Garden City, Kan.
The bride to be is a 2004 graduate of Christian Heights, received her Bachelors in Elementary Education from Pittsburg State University in 2006 and will receive her Masters in Special Education from Fort Hays in May of 2009. She currently teaches special education in Garden City, Kan.
The prospective groom was born in Mexico, attended high school in Vernon, Texas, and went to Job Corps Military School. He is currently employed by Tyson Beef Plant, Garden City, Kan.