Local church focuses on patriotism

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Local church focuses on patriotism Nevada, Mo. -- On Sunday, July 6, the First Baptist Church of Nevada, 301 E. Highland, is planning a special theme for its services. Congressman Ike Skelton will speak at both 9:15 and 10:30 worship. Rep. Barney Fisher will lead a prayer at both services. Asked for his thoughts on how faith and patriotism work together in a society that often sees conflict about the separation of church and state, pastor Bill Cox said, "Baptists along with Presbyterians, Quakers, etc. were instrumental in encouraging James Madison and others to guarantee the freedom of religion as expressed in the First Amendment -- 'Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishing of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…' Of course many folks came to this country for freedom of religion. Still, Baptists and other preachers sometimes spent time in jail in the colonies because they were not sanctioned by the state (with an official license). Although I don't know one can ever 'separate' church and state entirely, our emphasis, along with others, has been 'a free church in a free society.' From the standpoint of the Bible -- there is allegiance to God but also proper allegiance to the governmental authorities -- 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's.' The allegiance of Christians goes beyond countries and states, but there is a proper role to be a good citizen. In other words, we are 'citizens of heaven,' but until we get there we will still have to vote in Vernon County." --Lynn A. Wade/Herald-Tribune

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