Curtis -- 30 years

Mr. and Mrs. Monte J. Curtis, Nevada, Mo., will observe their 30th wedding anniversary on July 14, 2008. They were married by the Rev. Earl Ferris in Miami, Okla.
Mrs. Curtis, the former Linda Louise Dobson, is a native of Nevada. She is the daughter of George Dobson, Nevada, and the late Bernice Dobson. She graduated from Nevada High School in 1968 and is currently employed as a broker owner in the family owned real estate business.
Mr. Curtis, also a native of Nevada, is the son of the late Joseph (Bill) Curtis and Billie Curtis of Nevada. He also is a 1973 graduate of Nevada schools and has been employed by Curtis and Sons since 1974. He is also a broker owner.
The couple are the parents of two sons, Andrew Remington and John Joseph Curtis, of Nevada. There are two grandchildren, Taylor and Molly Remington, of Nevada.
In honor of their anniversary, a dinner celebration will be held at the couple's home in Nevada on July 14, with the following guests: Andrew, Donetta, Taylor and Molly Remington, John Curtis and his fiancée Betsy Miller, John, Kelly, Evan and Cole Brock, Bob and Debby Garten and numerous other friends.