Local candidate seeks answers about pilfered political signs

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In every election year there are campaign signs. And in every election year there seems to come a time when campaign signs get stolen. Sheriff candidate Jeff Prater, Bronaugh, say the problem has struck recently in his neighborhood.

"I've had about 15 signs stolen," Prater said. "Four were taken right out of my yard and two from KK and 43."

Opinion on just what the motivation is ranges from "it must be someone rooting for the opponent" to the opinion it is just kids out being destructive for no other reason that being destructive. One local real estate agent, Mike Seitz, said even their signs get stolen.

"They steal real-estate signs too," Seitz said. "Especially around yard sale season. A sign costs $50 and someone will take it and paint over it with directions to their yard sale."

Sometimes the signs get recovered and sometimes they aren't.

"One year there were kids taking them," said Vernon County Sheriff Ron Peckman. "Some were found in a creek under a bridge. You have those that disappear and you never see them again."

Peckman said he has had signs stolen himself.

"I've had them stolen and I secure them pretty well," Peckman said. "I've got them on T-posts and use zip ties to hold them on. They usually just cut the zip ties and leave the posts."

Whoever it is doing it and whatever the reason for doing it, all agree it's an expense that campaigns could do without.

"All the candidates spend a lot of money on these signs and they really can't afford to keep replacing them," Peckman said.

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