Gold Buckle Gala goats

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Devin Dilly, 17, son of Kevin and Dolynn Dilly, of Deerfield, is pictured with his Grand Champion Meat Goat at the 2008 Ozark Empire Fair. Dilly exhibited a 92-pound wether goat that was purchased by Ozarks Farm and Neighbor for $2,500 at the 2008 Gold Buckle Gala. Dilly is a member of the Nevada FFA Chapter and has also exhibited market steers at the Ozark Empire Fair for the past eight years.

Spencer Scotten, 15, son of Shannon and Krista Scotten, of Nevada, is pictured with his third place Meat Goat at the 2008 Ozark Empire Fair. Scotten exhibited a 90-pound goat that was purchased by Bulls Trophy House and Employee for $550 at the 2008 Gold Buckle Gala. Scotten is a member of the Nevada FFA and has exhibited sheep, swine, goats and steers for eight years at the Ozark Empire Fair.
Maggie Massey, 14, daughter of Corry and Linda Massey, of Butler, is pictured with her fourth place Meat Goat at the 2008 Ozark Empire Fair. Massey exhibited an 84-pound meat goat that was purchased by Gordon's Feed and Pet and Billy Claiborn for $400 at the 2008 Gold Buckle Gala. Massey is a member of the Summitt Go Getters and has exhibited at the Ozark Empire Fair for four years.
John Tarvin, 9, son of Roy and Jamie Tarvin, of Butler, is pictured with his sixth place Meat Goat at the 2008 Ozark Empire Fair. Tarvin exhibited a 68-pound boar goat that was purchased by Fabick Cat for $350 at the 2008 Gold Buckle Gala. Tarvin is a member of the Summit Go-Getters and has been exhibiting sheep, swine and goats at the Ozark Empire Fair for two years. --Submitted photos
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