Pop tabs collected for Ronald McDonald House
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bill Snedden has been collecting the tabs off of aluminum cans for several years and this year is donating them to the VFW for eventual transfer to the Ronald McDonald House Charities who use the proceeds to help provide housing for families of hospitalized patients near the hospital their loved one is. Snedden has been helped in his efforts by his granddaughters, who assist him in separating the tabs from the cans and storing them. Standing by Snedden and his granddaughters (Allison Snedden, Nichole Snedden, Kayla Foster, Monique Campos, Kimberly Martin and Desirae Martin) is Chet Tweten, VFW member; Darlene Tweten, treasurer; and Pat McClellan, president of the VFW ladies Auxiliary. Steve Moyer/Daily Mail