Sheldon picnic kicks off

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The 104th Sheldon Old Settlers' Picnic officially begins today.

Opening ceremony is scheduled for 6 p.m. o'clock, followed by the introduction of the 2007 Royalty and this year's Royalty candidates. Friday's events include Pets on Parade and the beginning of the softball tournament at 6 p.m. and a talent show and fiddle contest at 7:30.

The weekend festivities conclude on Friday with the parade at 6 p.m., royalty coronation and the antique and classic tractor pull at 7:15, with the entire event being capped off by a fireworks display at 10:30. Many other events also are scheduled throughout the day.

This year's royalty candidates are:

* Mini-princess: Kaylynn Dabbs, Nautica Parker, Kylie Davey, Kylee Speagel and Brecklynn Howard

* Princess: Lindsey Turner

* Little princess: Alexis Parker and Mahalia Swink

* Queen: Breanna Watkins

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