Gazaways inducted into 4-H Hall of Fame
Recently, during the Missouri State Fair, Galen and Becky Gazaway had the honor of being inducted into the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame. They were nominated by the Vernon County 4-H Council. The hall of fame is a special program sponsored by the Missouri 4-H Foundation, giving special recognition to those who have contributed much to 4-H.
When I first became acquainted with Becky, she was a young girl named Becky Arnold. The Kaysinger Extension Area was established in July 1, 1979. At that time I had been responsibility for the 4-H program in Vernon County and I had Cedar County 4-H program added to my responsibility. Becky was among the first 4-H members with which that I became acquainted with in Cedar County. As a 4-H member she was outstanding, she was good in her project work, active in a number of ways and demonstrated leadership.
In Vernon County there has been many who have given leadership to 4-H and has made contributions in number of ways. Vernon County is recognized in the state as having one of the best 4-H programs. The Gazaways were selected this year to represent Vernon County in the 4-H Hall of Fame. There were approximately 38 named as inductees this year. It is special for the honorees to be inducted with all of the others that have contributed much toward the 4-H program in the state.
Carol Parmenter, 4-H youth specialist described Galen and Becky as wonderful people. She said, "They are what volunteering in 4-H is all about. They are wonderful example for kids and volunteers. They are always willing to help when they can."
Galen and Becky typify 4-H leaders in Vernon County. They have been 4-H leaders for 12 years and were recognized as outstanding leaders in 2003. They continue their leadership even after their son Blake has gone through the 4-H program and reached the maximum age for 4-H membership.
They have provided leadership in numerous ways. The projects they have led include woodworking, cake decorating, quilting, exploration, foods and clothing. They are on the volunteer orientation team.
Becky served as co-leader of the Milo-Oakdale 4-H Club. She and Blake made 325 pies for the 2008 Vernon County Youth Fair Diner. They have a higher goal for next year. Wow! For several years Galen has provided transportation for the exhibits to the district and state fairs. He serves as 4-H council advisor. For several years he has been a chaperone to Youth Forum.
When the Pop Shop was renovated at the youth fair, Galen was the designer and an organizer and did much of the work himself. He continues to work with this important part of the youth fair. He represents Milo-Oakdale 4-H of the Vernon County Youth Fair Board and attends the fair board meetings.
They have been instrumental with the 4-H Club cleaning up a rural cemetery. They have renovated the cemetery and put in a fence. This is another example of community service by 4-H.
Donna Burchell served as co-leader of the Milo-Oak Dale 4-H Club with Becky. She said that both Galen and Becky served tirelessly. They are always working and you never hear them talking about not being tired. They like to look for ways to serve others and they happily and gladly serve. They look for ways to help others.
Nancy Seeley is at present a co-leader of the club. She describes Galen and Becky as wonderful to have in their club. She says that they deserve the special recognition. They put in enormous of time and energy to 4-H and to the club. Nancy could not say enough well about them. They have been project leaders. They help out with a lot of 4-H in the county. She recognizes that even with their son Blake no longer being in 4-H they continue to serve generously, giving time and self to the organization because they believe in the 4-H program. They are doing this without a child in the program.
Nothing but praise could be given for both of them by Nancy.
Galen in his humbleness says it's pretty incredible to receive the honor for the second year it has been given. He expressed appreciation to the Missouri 4-H Foundation by giving the Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fames, regardless of what it might represent, gives special recognition to outstanding performances. The 4-H Hall of Fame gives recognition to those who have made major contributions toward the 4-H program. In agreement with what Galen said, it is wonderful that the foundation has established this special recognition.
Becky received much which she was a 4-H member. It is joy to observe her now with her husband being recognized for what they have given to 4-H by being inducted into the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame.
Congratulations go to Galen and Becky for being inducted into the hall of fame. They are deserving of a four leaf clovers bouquet.