Council to consider street sweeper lease

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Nevada City Council will be considering the first reading of an ordinance setting the dates for the 2009 city council general and primary elections during their regular meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash Street.

They will also be considering first readings of ordinances to approve the lease-purchase of a new street sweeper and an agreement with the Vernon County Commission to extend the lease on the property where the Community Center is located for 50 years.

Other items on their agenda include first readings of ordinances approving agreements with Vernon County for the billing and collection of 2008 personal and real estate property taxes and a licensing agreement with Vernon County for the use of GIS data. They will also be considering an agreement with Young Iron & Metal Inc. for the use of a 30 foot gooseneck trailer for recycling.

The council will also be holding the final readings of ordinances to approve: an engineering agreement with Allgeir, Martin & Associates for miscellaneous engineering services; adding a no-parking zone at 117 S. Main Street; an agreement with Layne Christensen Company for repair services on the city's wells; an easement for Kansas City Power & Light to run utilities to the enclosed shelter house in Marmaduke Par; change the zoning at 205 S. Adams from C-0, non-retail, to C-1, local business and an ordinance renewing the city's financial disclosure regulation.

They will also be considering requests for authorization to solicit bids for sulfuric acid and caustic soda for the water treatment plant and the approval of bids for the sale of an old centrifuge pump at the waste water treatment plant and for the purchase of a melter applicator for the public works department.

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