"It was fun," 8-year-old Katherine Pruitt said after taking her turn operating a fire hose during Saturday's open house at the Nevada Fire Department. A. J. Terry said that the hose was charged to about 1/3 the pressure that would be normally used to fight a fire.
Kelly Wingert inspects 4-year-old Steven Randall after helping him put on a turn-out coat during an open house at the Nevada Fire Department Saturday morning. More than 70 area children and a total of 100 people, toured the facility for a close-up look at the fire department's equipment. The fire department provided food and drinks for the kids and gave away four door prizes. The winners of the prizes were: Hailee Richter, Nevada, a rescue set; Tayte Moore, Nevada, small fire truck; Rylan Hedges, Nevada, small fire truck and Treyton O'Connell, Nevada, large fire truck.--Photos by Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail