Democrats rally on the Square

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Harold Caskey, center, former state senator from Butler, introduced Democratic candidates Chris Koster, a candidate for Missouri Attorney General, left; Chris Benjamin, who is running for state senator for the 31s District, right, and Carla Keogh, inset, running for the state representative for the 125th District while standing in front of the statue of William Joel Stone on the courthouse lawn Wednesday afternoon. "It's an honor to be back here in Nevada again," Caskey said. "To be up here with Chris Koster and Chris Benjamin is great." Caskey also joked about Benjamin's experience. "Chris Benjamin is a wonderful young attorney who has never served in the house. For myself, Chris Koster and others we believe that is a heck of a reccommendation," Caskey quipped. Speaking of Koster, Caskey said that his experience as a prosecutor was an assett to anyone seeking to be attorney general. "Chris spent 10 years in the prosecutor's office. His prosecutorial experience is essential to doing the job of attorney general," Caskey said.--Photos by Steve Moyer/Daily Mail

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