Isaac Gene Hallam
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Holly and Cory Hallam, of Nevada, and big sister Izabella, are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Isaac Gene Hallam. Isaac was born at 3:40 p.m., on Oct. 8, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and measured 19 1/2 inches.
Maternal grandparents are Raymond and Angi Ellifrits, of Nevada. Maternal great-grandparents are Sue and Stanley Hill, of Milo.
Paternal grandparents are Mike Hallom and Julie Ogden, of Nevada, and Donna Shumaker, of Joplin.
Paternal great-grandparents are Patricia Hallam, Joann Jenkins, both of Nevada, and Martha Shaw, of El Dorado Springs.