Blunt announces designation of Lamar as a DREAM city

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

LAMAR -- Gov. Matt Blunt today visited his DREAM Initiative's newest designee, Lamar, to outline how his revitalization program will help the community create new growth and economic development opportunities.

"I created the DREAM Initiative to ensure that our small and medium-sized communities have their fair share of state support to help meet their full potential. Our DREAM initiative makes a long term investment in the heart of Missouri's economy that works to revitalize and re-build vibrant downtowns across our state," Gov. Blunt said. "I look forward to seeing how Lamar uses this opportunity to create economic growth and family-supporting jobs in their community."

Lamar, the birthplace of Harry Truman, has both county and city government facilities in its downtown district. President Truman's birthplace is near downtown and is a tourist attraction for the area, with more than 17,000 visitors annually.

Lamar is planning special celebrations for President Truman's 125th birthday in May 2009.

Lamar wants to improve the linkage between the Truman Birthplace site and the downtown Square.

Other challenges the city is facing are to keep the downtown businesses competitive and to expand the downtown to more than an "8 -- 5 government and financial services center."

"The DREAM Initiative is a fantastic program that Governor Blunt has created," Lamar Mayor Keith Devine said. "This DREAM designation will provide us valuable resources to assist our economic development efforts and our endeavor to tie our downtown to President Truman's birthplace. Our selection will be a great economic boon for Lamar."

"Here is clear confirmation that good character pays off," Rep. Ed Emery said. "Lamar's local officials were both enthusiastic and persistent in advocating for their city. Their patience has been rewarded; now they will roll up their sleeves and go back to work with new resources. This is a strong local community who will set new standards as a DREAM City."

Blunt unveiled the DREAM Initiative in 2006 to provide Missouri's small and mid-sized towns the same access to economic development tools as larger communities. Selected communities become active members of the DREAM Initiative for three-years and gain prioritized access to state supported programs through ongoing cooperation among several unique agencies and funding sources. Programs include technical and financial assistance for infrastructure improvements, historic preservation, affordable housing, community services, business development and job creation.

"When I tasked the Department of Economic Development to evaluate our economic incentives, they found these tools were underutilized by small and medium communities because of their complexity," Gov. Blunt said. "With the DREAM Initiative, we leveled the playing field to give our small and medium sized communities the same access to downtown development tools as our largest cities." The governor's DREAM Initiative supports a comprehensive approach to concentrate resources and available tools to allow communities to accomplish their broad-based and long term revitalization and redevelopment goals more quickly than ever before.

Applications were evaluated by representatives from the three DREAM Initiative partners, the Missouri Department of Economic Development, the Missouri Development Finance Board and the Missouri Housing Development Commission. The evaluation process included confirming applications were complete and attention to community capacity, vision, opportunity for private investment, broad community support and a comprehensive approach.

Since Gov. Blunt announced the first 10 DREAM communities in 2006, they have received $44.3 million in public investments for housing, construction and renovation projects and infrastructure improvements.

That public funding has created an unprecedented $204.7 million in private investment to benefit the communities in just two years.

The 2007 DREAM communities are still early in the DREAM process but have already received $1.8 million in total public investment for housing, construction and renovation projects and infrastructure improvements.

In just a bit longer than one year, that public funding has generated about $1.29 million in private investment to benefit the 10 communities, and that total continues to grow.

Together, DREAM communities have received more than $46 million in state grants to rebuild, revitalize, and rejuvenate their downtowns.

The investment has generated impressive returns in private donations, led to job creation, and helped breathe new life into Missouri communities.

Boonville, Farmington, Fulton, Lebanon, Louisiana, Macon, Strafford, Warrens-burg and Webb City join Lamar as the third annual DREAM communities. Visit the DREAM Initiative Internet site at www.dream. for more details.

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