Council slated to discuss budget Tuesday

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Council will be considering several financial issues when they meet at 7 tonight in the city council chambers of the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St.

Topping the agenda will be the second reading of an ordinance approving the city's $16.6 million 2009 city budget.

Other financial matters include a public discussion of a proposed 50 cent increase in the cost for elderly taxi coupon and a $1 increase for the general public starting Jan. 1, 2009. They will also be considering an increase to the 2008 street construction budget by $73,668. This increase would cover: The $2,218 cost of adding four windows to the enclosed shelter house in Marmaduke Park; and a $10,000 increase to the airport budget to include a grant from the L.F. Richardson Foundation for furnishings for the terminal building.

The council will also consider the first reading of an ordinance to amend the 2008 budget taking $200,000 from the street maintenance budget and putting it in the street construction budget. The money was put in the street maintenance budget to purchase a street sweeper, which in now being paid for with different funds.

Other business the council will be considering includes: Extending the block grant contract for the airport until Dec. 31, setting hangar rental rates at the Municipal Airport, participating in the Tri-state Fire Recruitment Alliance, adding a new street light at 918 E. Walnut and designating the grove cypress trees at the former Nevada State Hospital as a "green space" to try and preserve them.

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