Council seeks ways to bring money into golf course

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Although the Nevada City Council voted 5-0 Tuesday night to not raise the fees at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course as recommended by the parks board, they are still serious about finding some way to increase the money the course brings in.

Nevada Mayor Mike Hutchens told the council that the rumors circulating around town are not true.

"I am not out to close the golf course, but we can't support $150,000 annual deficits," Hutchens said, adding that he did not know how much they could cut the deficit.

"I asked that a study be done to see what we can do to raise the revenue at the golf course," he said.

While a study has not been done yet, Hutchens and the rest of the Council -- after a lengthy discussion with area golfers in attendance at the council meeting -- directed Interim City Manager Harlan Moore to set up a task force to look into ways to increase play at the course and other ways to increase the money it brings in.

"I would love to take it on. I already have a committee," Moore said.

John McKinley, told the council that when the rates were raised two years ago they lost a number of golfers and they have not come back. When the rates were raised a lot of families went to the Country Club because they offer more.

Council member Tim Wells told the council that before they raise the rates again they need to look at other ways to increase the usage of the course, by better marketing and other means.

"We have a championship course," Wells said.

"We've got to find a better way to increase revenue that doesn't drive golfers away. We don't have to do it this year," he said.

McKinley said that there are other things that to be considered when you look at the operating deficit at the golf course.

"I know of five people who have moved here in the last three years because of the city golf course," McKinley told the council.

He said that this impact has to be considered as well.

In other business the council:

* Voted 5-0 to give final approval to a lease agreement with Air Methods Corporation to allow them to put a modular building at the airport and to lease space in the city's hangar in case of bad weather. Air Methods will pay $535 per month and all expenses related to setting up their operation.

* Approved the appointment of Edward Hyde and Rick McInroy to three-year terms on the plumbing board.

Their terms will expire in Feb. 2011.

* Voted 5-0 to accept the second lowest bid of $6,900.30 from Greybar, Springfield, for 11,000 feet of fiber optic cable to connect the new Vernon County Jail to the Nevada Police Department. CESI, Neosho, had the low bid of $6,050, but they could not deliver the cable for 10 weeks and the project needs to be completed sooner, since the jail is scheduled to open May 6.

* Voted 5-0 to accept the low bid, not to exceed $17,500, from Branntag, Springfield, for 48,000 pounds of caustic soda for the water treatment process.

* Voted 4-0, with Mike Hutchens abstaining, to approve a malt liquor by the drink license for the Cherry Street Grill, which is moving to 113 W. Cherry Street this spring. They plan to keep their existing menu and add new items. They plan to open another restaurant in the grill location and an ice cream parlor in the buffett.

* Voted 4-1, with Mike Hutchens voting for the measure, against prohibiting smoking in taxi cabs. Council members Gillette, Wells, Novak and Wilson, voted against the measure saying that they had problems with dictating what a private business did and because the city had just signed a new contract for the service.

* Voted 4-1, with council member Gillette voting no, to pass on first reading a general ordinance correcting errors in the Chapter 23 of city code regulating the carrying of concealed weapons in city owned buildings.

* Voted 5-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance adding $75,000 to the design phase contract with Allgeier Martin & Associates for the wastewater treatment system improvement. The increase from $554,000 to $629,000 is for the SCADA fiber optic line to the north pump station and the replacement of the west and south interceptor lines.

* Voted 3-2 against increasing the fees at the Walton Family Aquatics Center. Council members Gillette, Wells and Wilson voted no and Hutchens and Novak voted yes. Novak told the Council that the reason she supported the increases was because the minimum wage will be increasing in July and since most of the employees at the pool are paid minimum that will increase the losses at the pool. She said that was part of the reason for the $20,000 deficit.

* Voted 5-0 to adopt Resolution No. 1248 authorizing Paul Hokanson, city treasurer, to execute documents for farmers renting farm land owned by the city for Vernon County Farm Service Agency programs.

* Voted 5-0 to adopt Resolution NO. 1249 approving $500 in expenses for council members Tim Wells and Joyce Wilson to attend the Missouri Municipal League annual Legislative Conference Feb. 18 and 19.

* Voted 5-0 to pass on second reading a general ordinance making the city building inspector and the council representative on the planning commission ex-officio members, instead of voting members.

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