Juxtapower to perform on Feb. 6

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Juxtapower, an African dance and performance ensemble, will bring their rhythmic performance to Cottey College's Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts Auditorium on Friday, Feb. 6, at 8 p.m.

This South-African production blends sketch humor and drama with the best of South-African song and dance. It includes Zulu/Suthu praise singing, traditional songs, Zulu dance juxtaposed with a ballet technique (foot-stomping warrior dance), as well as gum boot dance with a touch of American stepping, and South-African township dance (ghetto dance expression, inspired by hip hop and homemade choreography). The performance features a narrator who educates the audience about South-African history -- from the mines, to the townships, and the country side; and emphasizes the beauty of their art and the influences of the Western culture on the South-African population. Sduduzo Ka-Mbili, the choreographer and director, was recently seen on Superstars of Dance, NBC's international dance competition.

Tickets for Juxtapower are $6 for adults and $5 for those under age 18 or over age 62. Tickets will be available at the door the evening of the show.

The Missouri Arts Council, a state agency, provided funding for Juxtapower.

The Center for the Arts is on the northeast corner of Austin and Tower streets in Nevada.

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