Tickets from Jan. 26 to Feb. 14
Jan. 26
Bob T. Beisly III, Nevada, expired license plates.
Steven B. Beverly, Nevada, expired license plates.
Jeffrey L. Bond, Nevada, speeding 40/30.
Adrian Bozeman, Nevada, expired license plates.
Jeffrey A. Gage Jr., Nevada, no proof of insurance.
Kaila D. Jones, Nevada, expired license plates.
Maryann K. Luther, Sheldon, expired license plates.
Jan. 27
Aaron C. Reed, Sheldon, failure to stop at a stop sign, and failure to transfer plates.
Tami R. Smith, Nevada, failure to stop at a stop light.
Eluos R. Wilson, Nevada, no proof of insurance, and no valid operator's license.
Feb. 7
Dani L. McRae, Nevada, no valid operator's license.
Crystal K. Myers, Nevada, unauthorized burning.
Feb. 9
Diane (Theresa) Gammon, Nevada, expired license plates.
Felicia D. Keller, Nevada, expired license plates.
William M. Tompkins, Jericho Springs, Mo., expired license plates.
Feb. 10
Robby L. Sharman, Walker, expired license plates.
Theresa Sorensen, Nevada, failure to transfer plates.
Feb. 11
Dustin Matthew Frame, El Dorado Springs, speeding 45/30, and no proof of insurance.
Crystal L. Huegel, Nevada, failure to transfer plates, no proof of insurance, and seat belt law.
Ricky D. Kennedy, Nevada, expired license plates.
Richard G. Smyth, Lamar, seat belt law.
Feb. 12
Howard C. Ashby, Nevada, expired license plates, and no proof of insurance.
Wendy S. Dawson, Milo, no proof of insurance.
Blaine A. Domer, Nevada, speeding 47/30.
Ashley N. Gage, Nevada, dog running at large, and no dog tag.
Charles A. Rice, Nevada, driving while intoxicated.
Feb. 13
Juanita M. Drake, Fort Scott, speeding 27/15
Justin M. Duncan, Nevada, driving while revoked.
Tyler M. Holmes, Nevada, no proof of insurance, and expired operator's license.
Erin L. Ketterman, Nevada, speeding 42/30.
Joyce D. Spratt, Milo, speeding 41/30.
Feb. 14
Adam M. Busey, Nevada, speeding 45/30.
Matthew D.T. Files, Nevada, speeding 48/30.
Tricia M. Leivan, Nevada, no proof of insurance.
Deanna D. Pettit (Bowles), Nevada, driving while revoked, and no child restraint.
Charlene Winfield, Nevada, failure to maintain lane, improper right turn, driving while intoxicated.