Nevada Fire Department hosts live fire training

The Nevada Fire Department welcomed the University of Missouri Fire Rescue Training Institute Saturday, May 2, when MUFRTI, in partnership with the Missouri Propane Education and Research Council, presented "Handling Liquid Propane Emergencies" to six area agencies, including Compton Junction, Milo, Nevada, and Sheldon fire departments.
LP gas is a potential hazard present in most communities. A complete understanding of LP gas and its hazards is necessary in order to safely and efficiently handle such an incident.
The 12-hour presentation included instruction on common storage containers in use, as well as the components of different types of transport vehicles. The class concluded with an actual fire attack on an LP tank fire, simulated and controlled by instructors.
Nevada Fire Chief Robert Benn said, "We would like to thank Nevada R-5 Schools for providing the parking lot of the Bowman Building 2015 N. West St. to conduct the live fire training. The hard surface allowed quality training to take place despite the recent wet weather."

Benn also noted that, "The Nevada Parks and Recreation Department provided the new shelter at Marmaduke Park for our use, allowing the classroom and the drill area to be in good proximity." Finally, MFA Propane provided the 500 gallons of liquid propane needed for this class, and we thank them."