First Putts for Mutts winners

Fido presents the winners of the first Annual Putts for Mutts Contest their $250 prize. Tyler Judd and Mike Thompson took the Championship Flight First place with a score of 64, and tiebreaker on hole 9. Ray Crawford and Doug Campbell came in 2nd and Denny David and Shirold Moore came in third with a score of 70. In the A Flight, Randy Booth and Steve Marquardt took first place, Wayne Gruenhagen and Peggy Graves took second, and Dan and Missy LaNear came in third; all with a score of 77, ranking determined by tiebreakers.
There were 18 teams participating in the First Annual Putts for Mutts golf tournament held Saturday May 23, 2009. During the event, there were two very close calls in the Hole in One contest for a 2009 Jeep Patriot at hole 18. Randy Booth missed it by about a foot, and Doug Campbell was only inches away. Special thanks to winners, Randy Booth and Steve Marquardt, who donated their $250 prize money and Dan and Missy LaNear who donated their $100 prize money back to the group.
The event helped Vernon County People for Pets raised more than $1,300. All of this money will go to the dogs. It will be used to provide supplies for pets in foster care while waiting for adoption.
There were more than 20 volunteers of Vernon County People for Pets that turned out to support the event. As there were four hole-in-one prizes, volunteers were required to keep an eye on the holes for winners. There was a putting contest, food for lunch, and general support of the tournament. The group is 100 percent volunteer, and we appreciate everyone who turned out to support us.
Thanks to all the sponsors of the Event. Anesthesia Consultants of Nevada, 54 Veterinary Clinic, InSite Support Services, Russell Brown and Breckenridge, Attorneys-at-Law, The Wellness Company: Dr. Bofetta, Dr. Jones, Dr. Lansing; Larry Testman, Rich Johnson and Ron Berryhill, Jo Poyzer, Jacquie and Keith Brown, Amvets of Nevada Post 131, Nancy Ross, Sutherlands, Tobacco Shack, Highly Tire, Judy Campbell, Patsy and Mike Brigman, Lahoma Dickinson, Sonic, Countryside Animal Hospital, Michael Crim, Hardees.