R-5 board hires new teachers
The Nevada R-5 Board of Education met in special session Tuesday to approve the final figures for the 2008-'09 fiscal school year. Superintendent Dr. David Stephens said the meeting was routine, something done after every year.
Stephens said. "The board had to approve the final expenditures for the year. In addition, we transferred money from fund one to fund four."
A short executive session followed.
"We hired some teachers, and approved some transfers to new duties," Stephens said. "We also hired a middle school basketball coach, Drew Clark."
The board also formally accepted the resignations of Nevada High School Principal Bryan Thomsen and Brandi Thomsen. Bryan Thomsen and family are leaving the Nevada area as he takes his new post as superintendent in the North Callaway R-1 schools.
The board OK'd the hiring of Clayton Wheeler, Christi Ast, Nicholas Marti, Nancy Ross, Katie Scott, Judy Campbell and Drew Clark. Transfers approved were Neil Barnes, from Heartland PE to high school PE; Karen Cussimanio, from first grade to RR; Jennifer Ellis, from RR to literacy coach; and Cynda Osburn, from special education to district autism specialist.
Another meeting relating to other personnel issues is slated for 7:15 a.m., Thursday, in the district's central office.