Skelton: Federal grant to support local economic development

Saturday, July 25, 2009

On Friday, Congressman Ike Skelton, D-Mo., announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce will release $64,840 to the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission in Clinton, Mo. These funds will be distributed through the Department's Economic Development Administration.

"I was pleased to learn that the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission will receive a federal grant. These funds, which will strengthen the region's economy and bring jobs into the area, are especially helpful given today's sluggish economy," said Skelton.

The Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission provides resources and support to small businesses in Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, St. Clair, and Vernon counties.

Locally, many area business leaders know of the organization through its business conferences, which have been held in Nevada. This year, another conference is planned in Nevada, this time at Cottey College.

According to, the conference will be held on Sept. 17. Admission is free this year, but there is a $15 fee for those who want to dine on a lunch prepared by Cottey chef Michael Richardson.

This year's theme is "Business Opportunities in a New Environment" and will include legislative updates, sessions on marking, management, business plans, communication and more.

For more about the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission or the upcoming conference in Nevada, visit www.

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