Road work to take place on U.S. 54 Aug. 3-6

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Road work is scheduled at several sites throughout Vernon County during the coming week.

Travelers along U.S. 54 Highway between Nevada, Mo., and Fort Scott, Kan., should be on the lookout for activity throughout next week, Aug. 3-6, when highway workers will be repairing shoulders from Route H to Route 43 and from Route T to Route H.

Workers also will be sealing pavement at various sites along highways T, F, FF, 37 and V, as well as the outer road to U.S. 71, all in Vernon County, Aug. 3-7.

Work also continues on a local bridge replacement. Sprouls Construction Company of Lamar began replacing the Ladies Branch bridge on Route M, west of Route C June 1. The bridge should reopen in late July. This project is part of MoDOT's Safe and Sound bridge replacement program.

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