Vernon County United Way again meets certification standards

Saturday, August 1, 2009

NEVADA, Mo. -- Adam Dean, local United Way of Vernon County president, announced that the United Way of Vernon County has successfully completed all of United Way's national membership requirements by their respective due dates. The annual certification process includes completing the Membership Requirements Certification. Membership Investment to support the national office, and a survey of Total Resources Generated (a survey that captures the full extent of a community's resource development efforts during the year). Over and above the annual requirements, United Way of Vernon County completed a mandatory organizational self-assessment in 2009 as part of this process.

"The membership requirements must be certified annually in order for us to remain a member of United Way," stated Adam. "It is important for us to maintain high standards of accountability, and this is part of the process to confirm that our operations are transparent and meet or exceed United Way membership requirements."

The board of United Way of Vernon County reviewed and approved the Membership Requirements Certification in April 2009.

"All United Ways must meet the highest standards and verify on paper that they have conformed to the requirements of membership in the United Way system," said Brian Gallagher, president and CEO, United Way. We applaud United Way of Vernon County's commitment to accountability and, importantly, their continued efforts to support work in their community which improves lives and advances the common good for all people."

As an integral part of Vernon County, the United Way of Vernon County improves lives by helping raise funds each year to help many individuals in the area.

United Way of Vernon County is part of a worldwide network in 46 countries and territories, including 1,277 local organizations in the United States. Each local United Way must complete United Way's requirements annually in order to retain its United Way membership.

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