Hoover hits second hole-in-one

Thursday, August 6, 2009

On Monday, Aug. 3, Nevada resident Alan Hoover completed the feat that most golfers can only dream of -- a hole-in-one.

Hoover was playing a round of golf on the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course in Nevada with John Carmichael, Ron Berryhill and Larry Testman when he came to the tee on the 11th hole. With his 8-iron, Hoover teed off from 120 yards and was left to watch as his ball disappeared into the cup, completing the ace. "It just turned out to be a straight shot," Hoover said.

That wasn't Hoover's first hole-in-one, either. On another outing at a course in Joplin, he was able to complete the same feat, making Monday's ace the second of his life.

The course has seen a relatively large number of aces this year and the exact total is unknown, but golf course officials estimated Hoover to be the fourth to accomplish the feat this year.

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