Kansas seniors may qualify for healthcare programs

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A state association has launched an initiative designed to inform senior citizens and people with disabilities about underused programs that could potentially save them money on Medicare expenses.

According to the Kansas Area Agencies on Aging Association, or K4A, nearly 18,000 Kansas residents, including more than 2,300 people who live in Bourbon County or a surrounding county, qualify for various cost saving healthcare programs.

"A lot of people don't realize they can apply," K4A Outreach Coordinator Vanessa Sanburn said.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that nearly 18,000 Medicare beneficiaries in Kansas qualify for additional cost savings with the government program "Extra Help," but simply aren't enrolled. Medicare savings programs are underused as well, according to K4A.

Many people who start receiving Medicare coverage at the age of 65 think they will not have to pay costs for the program, when in fact, Medicare costs can be overwhelming, Sanburn said.

"Especially during this economic recession, income is not increasing but costs certainly are," she said. "This (initiative) is another way to help people make ends meet without sacrificing their health care."

With funding from the Kansas Department on Aging, K4A has partnered with the Medicare Rights Center to launch an initiative aimed at connecting seniors and people with disabilities with programs such as "Extra Help" and other Medicare savings programs that provide substantial health care savings on premiums, deductibles, co-payments, and prescription drug costs for those who qualify, according to a K4A statement.

The "Extra Help" program also provides other benefits for the Medicare recipient, Sanburn said.

"Extra Help also allows them to switch their program from month to month, so besides saving money, there is flexibility," she said.

While the amount of money saved varies with each applicant, a person who qualifies to participate in one of the Medicare cost saving programs can potentially save, on average, between $3,500 and $4,200 each year, Sanburn said.

People who are interested in the "Extra Help" program or other Medicare savings program, as well as their caregivers, are encouraged to call (866) 457-2364 for more information. This toll-free number will automatically connect the caller with a representative of the Area Agency on Aging that serves his or her calling area, who will provide complete assistance with the qualification and application process.

Income and resource qualifications depend on a variety of factors, and any Medicare beneficiary on a fixed income is strongly encouraged to apply, the K4A statement said.

K4A represents 11 Area Agencies on Aging that coordinate services and provide assessment, information, case management, caregiver services and numerous other services for seniors in Kansas.

For more information, visit www.k4a.org.

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