Council approves computer grant for Elmwood Estates
Thursday night the Nevada City Council voted 3-0 to adopt Resolution No. 1266 supporting Elmwood Estates application for a Missouri Housing Trust Fund Grant for matching operating funds to continue providing Internet access and computers for residents at Elmwood Estates.
Beth Wolf, Elmwood Estates manager, told the city council Thursday night that they already have 50 computers that that they issue to families in the apartment complex and have a waiting list for computers.
"We want to provide computers for people wanting to go to school and for low income children," Wolf said.
She told the council that the program has increased the income among residents by about $32,000, which reduces the rent subsidy.
Wolfe said that 20 percent of the people are using the computers to take classes on the Internet and 90 percent are single mothers.
"Part of the grant is for training on how to use the computers," she said.
"We're the first in the state of Missouri to do this. It's a unique benefit," she said.
In other business the council:
Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance creating the position of finance manager in the finance department and changing the classification of one accounting technician position to an accounting clerk. The finance manager will take over some of the duties of the city treasurer as recommended in the 2008 city audit. Reclassifying the accounting technician position will allow the change to not increase the budget.
Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance declaring certain city assets as surplus property so they can be sold at auction on either Oct. 3 or Oct. 10 at the parks maintenance building.
Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance authorizing the city manager to negotiate a contract with Tri-State Engineering of Joplin for engineering consulting services on the project to install lights on the intersection of U. S. Highway's 71 and 54.
Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving a change order to the city's contract with Rosetta Construction LLC to add a manhole to the south interceptor line reconstruction project so sewage can be pumped around the construction area on the Wendell Lee property. This change will add $5,951.54 to the contract, bringing the total contract to $1,366,901.90. This is part of the project to upgrade the city's sewer treatment plant and the sanitary sewer system.
Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance to pay Rosetta Construction LLC $24,905.50 for additional repair work done on the Locust St. sewer project. This additional work will be paid for from the city's sewer maintenance fund. The rest of the project will be financed through the states revolving fund.