Tomato vine soars toward the sky

Friday, September 4, 2009
Cecil Painter points to some green tomatoes on his Pink Girl tomato plants. Painter said the plants, which he has cultivated for several years, are taller this year than any previous years with one plant topping 11 feet. Painter's wife, Loretta, breaks out when eating high acid tomatoes so Painter started cultivating the low-acid variety for her. Painter collects rainwater that runs off his garage roof in barrels to water the plants, he believes it's better than using municipal water. The Painters have been married for four years, they were united in marriage by the director of the Senior Center, Earl Ackley, who is also a minister. The couple live on North Clay, just blocks from where Painter was born, on the corner of Cedar and Garfield in 1932. --Steve Moyer/Daily Mail

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