Red Cross Bloodmobile collects 90 units of blood

Friday, September 25, 2009

A total of 90 units of blood was collected during the recent visit of the American Red Cross Bloodmobile to Nevada.

The following persons received their gallon pins: 22 gallons, Gary Jones; 19 gallons, Jim Tedlock; seven gallons, Nettie Rummel; five gallons, Frederick Varner and Sherrie Fox; four gallons, David West and Roman Borntrager; two gallons, Phoebe Harper and Janet Kinney; and one gallon, James Tumm

First time donors to the bloodmobile were Amber Gipson, Rick David and Emma Chrisenberry.

The next visit of the American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be November 12th and 13th, 2009. Each visit is held at the First Baptist Church in Nevada.

For information, contact the local American Red Cross office at (417) 667-5563.

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