Council OKs liquor license for new restaurant

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"We'd like to be open on the 28th," Bruce Re, DH Austins LLC, told the Nevada City Council Tuesday night before they voted 3-0 to approve a liquor by the drink license for a new restaurant at 2500 E. Austin Boulevard.

"We have new menus, new partners and have done a total inside renovation," Re, who with other partners owned the Ziggies restaurants in Nevada and Fort Scott, Kan., told the council.

He said that he is bringing Jeremy Zimmer from Kansas City, by way of New York to Nevada as the chef and one of two managers at the restaurant.

Re said that Zimmer is a very talented, French trained chef.

"He will bring Kansas City to Nevada at Nevada prices," Re said.

Zimmer told the council that once they are open he plans to have special "gourmet nights" once or twice a month by ticket, featuring French food.

Re told the council that they plan to offer upscale food, that will be better than Applebee's and at better prices.

In other business the council:

* Voted 3-0 to accept the $18,132 bid from Bus Andrews, Springfield, for two spreader boxes for city dump trucks to maintain icy roads.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance to allow the chief of Police to sign the necessary documents for the city to join the Southwestern Missouri Cyber Crimes Task Force, which has the mission to apprehend and prosecute Internet sexual predators who exploit children through the use of computer technology. The SMCCTF is funded by a grant obtained by the Missouri Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving an agreement with Vernon County to include the city's real estate and personal property billing on the county's tax billing. The cost to the city will be $3,816 for 2009. In addition the county will deduct 1.25 percent from all collected taxes in the Vernon County Assessment Fund as required by state statute.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving an agreement with Works of Dirt and Concrete Construction to install fencing at all four softball fields and backstops at all four baseball fields at the Twin Lakes Ball Complex at a cost of $157,800. The money will come from the city's 1/2 cent parks and recreation sales tax.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance approving Change Order No. 2 to the city's contract with G & G Construction to build the city's new wastewater treatment plant. The contract extends the completion date for the $8 million facility until May 7 because of rain delays and includes replacing one of the drives on the existing plants clarifiers that had quit working and needs to be replaced. The cost of replacing the equipment will be $50,709.63.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on first reading a special ordinance to approve adding $65,710 to the city's contract with Allgeier Martin for design services on the wastewater treatment plant. The added cost is for project management services on the treatment plant is due to the extension of the completion date until May 7. The added cost will paid through the Department of Natural Resources State Revolving Fund Program.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a general ordinance updating the city's electrical code.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a general ordinance updating the city's plumbing code.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a general ordinance updating the city's building code.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving an aviation project consultant agreement with Bucher, Willis and Ratliff for engineering services for the reconstruction of the parking apron at the Nevada Municipal Airport at a cost of $62,185. Ninety-five percent of the cost of the work will come from a federal grant, with the remaining 5 percent coming from the general fund.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving a four year lease with E-Z-Go Division of Textron for 30 new 2010 E-Z-Go RXV gas golf cars and one new 2010 E-Z-Go ST400 utility vehicle at a cost of $1,675 per month for four years. The city currently contracts with E-Z-Go for golf cars and the new contract will save the city $1,961.15 because E-Z-Go will terminate the city's current contract with no penalty and deliver the new equipment in November, with no payments until December.

* Voted 3-0 to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving a contract with Layne Christensen Company for repair service on the city's water wells and well pumps.

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