Off on a North Dakota hunting trip
Last week found me getting ready for the annual hunting trip to North Dakota. I have noticed the buying patterns for the supplies needed have changed over the years.
Of course there are always the staples, the basic food groups of beef jerky, trail mix, candy bars, and Oreos. This year I also found myself buying Rolaids, athletic tape, ankle wrap, and joint supplements. In my defense, part of this is for Drifter, the Wonder Dog, who has a damaged ligament in the left foreleg and has to be taped up like the Kansas City Chiefs before a big game. The Rolaids are for me to counteract all the junk food I will consume on the 12-hour drive. I did refrain from buying any Icy/Hot, even though I was sure there would be tired, achy muscles after hiking across the hills in North Dakota. I found myself lingering at the end of an aisle at Walgreens, looking at energy drinks as I thought about walking for three days, but that option went into the same category as the Icy/Hot.
This annual trip pits the same four people year after year. Both sons and a buddy from college make up the hunting party. Some years we have hunted in shirt sleeves and only once did we have to break ice in the coolers. This year the weather has taken a turn for the worse and they have already had two snows. As I checked the weather temperatures, it looked like the high was going to be 38 and the low was predicted to be 18.
Regardless of the elements, crippled dogs, and a hard drive, we are all looking forward to another time of sharing tall tales and sleeping soundly in the evening.