Legion to serve free Christmas dinner

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The American Legion will be serving their annual Christmas dinner for those who lack family to share with and to shut-ins who can't get out. The dinner has been a tradition in Nevada and past commander Gene Webb said it's one the Legion members are happy to keep.

"We serve this Christmas day and a lot of people are giving up time with their families to come here and do this but they're happy to do it," Webb said. "It's something we enjoy doing and it does a lot of good for people."

The dinner attracts a lot of people who would otherwise have no Christmas dinner, or would eat the meal alone.

"We have served as many as 288 with deliveries to shut-ins," Webb said. "I think Thanksgiving we did 84 deliveries."

Webb said that the tradition is so long-standing he couldn't remember when it started so he consulted with other members to try to come up with a time-frame.

"This has been a tradition for a good many years," Webb said, then excused himself to consult with others. "Well, it looks like we've started a controversy over exactly how long it's been. We've been doing this 87 years we know of, but it may have been longer."

The dinner will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and drivers will deliver meals to those who are unable to attend. Those who need to have their dinner delivered are asked to call (417) 667-9836 by 6 p.m., Dec. 24, to set the delivery up.

In addition to dinner the Legion has arranged with the North Pole for a very special guest - Santa Claus will be on hand from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., for children up to 13 years old.

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