Nevada man charged in Jan. 11 stabbing at NHS

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jared Christofer Brundige, 18, of Nevada, was arraigned in the Circuit Court of Vernon County on Wednesday, Jan. 13, on one count of assault on school property, a class C felony, and one felony count of armed criminal action.

The charges stem from an incident that took place at the Nevada High School on Monday, Jan. 11. A probable cause statement and felony complaint filed with the Circuit Court on Jan. 12 alleges that Brundige used a knife to assault a juvenile in the school cafeteria.

The court documents state that Brundige admitted stabbing the young man. He made the admission to the arresting officer after he was given his Miranda Rights, which he said he understood. The victim was stabbed in the outside upper right thigh; the knife was recovered. Brundige is scheduled to appear in court for a pre-hearing conference at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 21.

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