Giving from the heart

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Nevada, Mo. -- The local American Red Cross received a $100 donation from Emerson Fallin, age 6, on Friday for relief efforts in Haiti. The Red Cross estimates 40,000 to 50,000 were killed in the quake that rocked Haiti on Tuesday. His mother, Terri Fallin stated Emerson had cried when he saw the people suffering in Haiti and he wanted to donate money from his savings to help the people. They stopped by to make the donation in our local office and it will be forwarded. Emerson is in first grade and attends Bryan Elementary School in Nevada. Left to right: Executive Officer Peggy Tedlock Emerson Fallin and Terri Fallin. Other donations have been received as well and Tedlock said many people have contacted the office, so more donations are expected. Donations brought to the local office are forwarded to the relief effort. --submitted photo

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