Extension offers group fruit spray guide ordering opportunity

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pat Miller, Vernon County Extension agronomy specialist, is getting ready to place a group order for those interested in four publications from the University of Missouri Extension: Missouri Commercial Tree Fruit Spray Guide, No. MP651, $7.50; Midwest Commercial Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide, No. MX377, $6; Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, No. MX384, $12; Insect and Mite Pests of Apples, No. IPM-108, $3..

Anyone interested in the publications should make checks payable to Vernon County Extension Center and turn checks in to Miller at the Vernon County Courthouse. She is asking that those interested in ordering turn in their requests by Feb. 5 so that everyone can receive the material they order in a timely manner. Order forms are available at the Extension office.

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