Kim Smith - Ray Cross

Kim Smith and Ray Cross announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Smith is the daughter of Bill and Carol Smith, Deerfield, Mo., and Cross is the son of the late Quincy and Margaret Cross.
The couple plan to be married in a 2 o'clock ceremony at Church of God (Holiness) El Dorado Springs, Mo., on Feb. 27, 2010.
Kim is a 2002 graduate of College of the Ozarks with a degree in psychology. She is employed by Nevada Habilitation Center, Nevada, Mo., as a habilitation supervisor.
Ray is a graduate of University of Missouri-Rolla with a bachelor's (1986) and master's (1995) in electrical engineering. He is employed by Rockwell-Collins, Cedar Rapids Iowa.
Following the marriage, the couple will be residing in Cedar Rapids, where they plan to be active in serving God together at Northbrook Baptist Church.