Middle school basketball competes at Carthage

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

CARTHAGE, Mo. -- The Nevada Middle School seventh and eighth grade boys basketball teams struggled Monday night as they took on the Tigers of Carthage Middle School.

The seventh graders lost both games on the night as Carthage took the A game by a final score of 59-21 and the B game by a score of 29-19. Ben Somner led the scoring for Nevada in the A game with six points while Tristan Smith paced the A game with 15.

The eighth grade B team had similar luck on the night as they fell by a final score of 26-15. Bryant McKinley led the offensive effort for Nevada with nine points.

In the A game, Nevada pulled off its only win of the night, taking the win by a final score of 55-29. Alex Payne led the Tiger offense with 23 points.

With those games the seventh grade a team fell to 2-7 while the B team dropped to 4-5. The eighth grade A team improved to 8-2 while the B team fell to 4-5.

All four teams were scheduled to be in action again on Tuesday, hosting Seneca.

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