Students take part in abstinence education program

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Nevada R-5 Schools, in cooperation with About Our Kids, Inc., has provided a comprehensive abstinence education program, Worth the Wait curriculum, for sixth though twelfth grade students. Worth the Wait training is designed to provide students with medical, legal, psychological, and socioeconomic information regarding teen sexual activity. The curriculum empowers adolescents with the information to help them establish stable, loving, and healthy relationships as married adults. Students in each separate grade, who returned signed parental interaction forms, were put in a drawi9ng for an IPOD and a $25 gift card from Wal-Mart. The winners were (left to right): sixth grade - Skyler Fenton, Jimmie Dye; seventh grade - Dakota Thron, Shelby Gundy; eighth grade - Elizabeth Nowak, and Kelsie Fanning. --Steve Moyer/Daily Mail

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