NPD cracks down on impaired driving, alcohol sales to minors
The Nevada Police Department recently participated in the "You Drink & Drive, You Lose" crackdown, conducted March 12-14.
During the increased effort, Nevada Police Department officers identified and took enforcement action on 71 traffic violations including four driving while intoxicated violations, 15 speeding violations and 15 lane violations/other hazardous moving violations. Officers also made multiple arrests for driver's license violations and illegal drug/alcohol possession during the crackdown.
Driving while intoxicated remains one of the top causes of fatal car crashes in Missouri. In 2008, 261 people were killed, 1,202 seriously injured and 3,398 received minor injuries in crashes involving an impaired driver. Enforcement efforts like this one help to take impaired drivers off the road and make travel in Missouri safer.
For more information about this effort, visit:
In addition to the You Drink & Drive crackdown the department also recently conducted an Alcohol Sales Compliance Project. The goal of the project is to deter local businesses that sell alcoholic beverages from selling them to persons under the age of 21.
Officers conducted compliance checks at 10 local businesses within the city limits of Nevada that sell alcoholic beverages. The investigation resulted in the illegal sale of an alcoholic beverage to a minor at one of those businesses and charges are pending in that case.
The Nevada Police Department is committed to eradicating the ongoing problem of alcohol sales to minors. The public is encouraged to report suspected violations to the Nevada Police Department at (417) 448-2710.