Chandra's class competes at Wichita

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Kris Chandra's Tae Kwon Do class went to a tournament at Wichita March 27 and saw nine members bring home trophies and medals. Winners are: front row, left to right: Megan Gaskill, third in forms, second in sparring; Daniel Mendoza, second in sparring, third in forms; Kinley Rice, first in sparring, second in forms; Bernice Mendoza, second in forms and sparring; Back row: Chandra, Martin Mendoza, second in sparring and forms; Jessica Milburn, first in sparring and forms; Maria Mendoza, first in sparring and forms; and Tim Sheriff, Jr., second in forms and sparring. --Scott Nuzum/Herald-Tribune

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